A Capital Calling for The Doloran Fathers
Praised be Jesus Christ! Over the past five years, a great deal has happened with the Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother. As many of you know, His Excellency Samuel Aquila, the Archbishop of Denver, invited us to come the Denver and continue the work of our semi-contemplative society of priests, which is to provide assistance to those in the most spiritual need. On St. Patrick’s day 2017 we moved to Greeley, Colorado and resumed our work. In September 2018, through the generosity of our benefactors, we were able to purchase a house situated on 74 acres in Keenesburg, Colorado, which is about 25 minutes outside the city limits of Denver. The property includes a large barn, a storage barn and a small building we are in the process of turning into a guest house/hermitage. Since we have moved in, many improvements have been made and continue to be made on the property, as funds allow.
Archbishop Aquila has since established the Society as a public association of the faithful, which is the step leading to a Society of Diocesan Rite, permanently establishing us here in the Archdiocese of Denver. We have established a new diagnostic protocol which is currently being used in 18 dioceses around the country. This protocol provides spiritual help to those needing deliverance as well as providing a method for diagnosing those who are spiritually afflicted. We have also, with the aid of our case administrator, developed various lay teams which aid us in helping those in need, and who assist us when we pray with various people from the Archdiocese of Denver and from around the country. The priests average two weeks of case sessions per month, assisted by our trained volunteers from the area. We have also begun providing formation to priests in the areas of deliverance and solemn exorcism. This formation includes providing formal classes as well as mentoring by assisting us during exorcisms, so that they can be exposed to the practical aspects of exorcism.
PLEASE NOTE: Although we have reached our goal, any additional donations will go towards the High Altar. May God reward you!
We currently have four priests in Keenesburg and two more priests are beginning the process of joining us in a discernment process. Other priests have shown interest in joining our community. We are recognizing that very shortly we may be out of room in our current residence. Our main house has eight rooms which with minor modifications will accommodate four priests, giving each a bedroom and small office. However, as we grow, we will need room for two more priests, bringing us to a maximum of six. Currently, we have a temporary chapel but with more than two priests and due to our work schedule, we need to build a permanent chapel. We also want to include a class room so that the theological classes provided for priests becoming exorcists can have a proper venue.
The Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother is a semicontemplative society of priests, requiring between three and four hours of prayer per day, depending on the liturgical calendar. Since the Statutes of the Society envision no more than six priests living in any given location, the size and arrangement of the chapel is designed for the priests to be able to offer Mass as well as fulfill their obligations of prayer. The chapel will be added on to the current main house.
Current Need
The Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother currently has the following areas of need:
- The upkeep of the clergy: this includes the cost to pay priests’ salaries and insurances, including health, vision and dental. Some benefactors may be interested in covering the cost of a priest per year.
- Operating Expenses for the Society: this is the annual projected costs based on past years of operation and includes the cost of maintaining and operating the physical plant; salaries for two employees; utilities and religious supplies, which covers the costs of supplies for the sacristy and for the work of the Society.
- Building the permanent Chapel: currently the priests of SMD are using a temporary chapel with only one altar. The permanent chapel will include four side altars and one main altar.
Lastly, this project includes the two priest suites, and the classroom for formation of clergy in the areas of deliverance and exorcisms.